Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That's Nice.

Today I taught a workshop on communication for kids with autism. As part of the workshop I ask people to answer the following question on a 3-5 card and pass it in. The question is:

"If you could only say four things for the rest of your life, what would you want to say?"

(Think about your answers.)

50% of the cards included the phrase, "I love you."

43% included the phrase, "Where's the bathroom?"

Other notable responses:

"It is important that I get a good haircut and color regularly."
"Which way to the beach?" - Interesting, because we were in Missoula.
"Two more beers, please."
"Give me all your money."
"I need you to love me."
"Have I offended you somehow?"
"I'm sorry."
"Do you serve alcohol?"
"Where's the remote?" Two cards had this!