Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some Jokes

Q: What animal rotates at least 200 times after it dies?
A: Rotisserie chicken.

Q: Which side of a cow has the most hair?
A: The outside!

Q: How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow blower?
A: Give mom a shovel.

A farmer is milking his cow. As he is milking, a fly comes along and flies into the cows ear. A little bit later, the farmer notices the fly in the milk. The farmer looks up and says, "Humph. In one ear, out the udder."

Two cows were standing in a pasture. A young bull came by struttin’ his stuff and said, “Good morning ladies.” One of the cows said, “Mooooo!” The second cow thought to herself, “Dang! I was going to say that.”

Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
A: Holes all over Australia.