Thursday, September 11, 2008

Craig Ferguson - If you don't vote you're a moron.

"The news reports show the candidates in slow-motion with their families, and the children . . . I don’t care! And the candidate is saying “The family is off-limits”, Sarah Palin says “My daughter’s pregnancy, that’s off limits, that’s a family matter”, and Barack Obama is saying “Yes, that’s absolutely right”

Well, listen, here’s what I say: if your families are off-limits, why are they on the stage, why is the profile in People Magazine of you and your damned family all over the place, the children marching around all over the place? Shame on you, you manipulative hypocrites!

The point I'm trying to get is: this is a very important election this one, but you would never know it from the way it's being reported. On the Today Show this morning: "Which candidate would you rather have dinner with?" Here's an easy answer: None. They're politicians. I don't want dinner with you and I don't want your friendship. Here is what I want to know, what are you going to do for the country, pal? What are you going to do?

This country is at war right now! Americans in foreign lands wearing uniform representing this country are losing their lives. Americans here in this country are losing their homes. We have two patriotic candidates. Both love this country, but have different ideas what to do with it. Learn about them. Read about them. Question them. Listen to them. Then on Election Day, exercise your sacred right as American and listen to yourself."

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